AFRICA: 15 MAI 2018 : (  1/ China and Uganda agree to nuclear cooperation – …)
Muloni and Shoujun sign the cooperation MoU (Image: CNNC)
Muloni and Shoujun sign the cooperation MoU (Image: CNNC)

China and Uganda agree to nuclear cooperation

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy has been signed between China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and the Ugandan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.

Russie/RDC – Militaire : Ce texte de loi n’a pas pu être examiné en plénière: « compte tenu du caractère sensible de la matière », a-t-on évoqué. Le texte a été directement envoyé à la commission Défense et sécurité de l’Assemblée nationale pour un examen approfondi, sur décision du président de l’Assemblée nationale.

Les Blancs manacés en Afrique du Sud

Twenty-five years since the end of apartheid, South Africa is still wrestling with its legacy. Vast swathes of farmland are still owned by the white minority, and now the government is looking to speed up land reform across the country. The prospect has left many white South Africans uncertain of their futures while landless black communities have been left wondering whether the inequalities will really finally be addressed

90.000 Personnes traversent quotidiennement la Frontière RWANDA – RD CONGO

More than 90,000 people are registered daily on Rwanda-DR Congo border – influx that is of no security threat at all, Rwanda’s chief of intelligence said Monday.

LIRE LA SUITE :  AFRICA: 15 MAI 2018 : ( 1/ China and Uganda agree to nuclear cooperation – 2/ Vers une coopération militaire entre la RDC et la Russie 3/ The white farmers in South Africa taking up arms as the government looks to speed up land reform 4/ 90.000 Personnes traversent quotidiennement la Frontière RWANDA – RD CONGO)  [ ]

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